
Be a better manager

About the biggest mistake successful managers make is thinking they’ve got all the answers. Let’s face it, when you’ve got enough successes and failures under your belt and plenty of gray hair on your head, it’s a natural tendency to spend more of your time talking than listening.

That’s a pitfall none of us should fall into, and that includes me. While it sometimes seems like I have enormous disdain for some “leadership gurus,” especially the academic type, I’m always on the lookout for folks who, like me, have real-world management experience and the inclination to share it with others.

1 comment:

Rodrigo Lequerica said...

“We must strive to reach that SIMPLYCITY that lies beyond sophistication.”
~ John Gardner Quotes

Any intelligent can make things more complex. Humble underplay, confidence and courage are required to move in the opposite direction.