
Free Job Hunting Webinar


EVENT: “Confessions of a Job Search Strategist”
DATE: November 1, 2008
TIME: 11:00am EST (1-hour)
PLACE: Virtual
COST: $0.00

PURPOSE: “Confessions of a Job Search Strategist” is a free job hunting webinar to assist the general public with cutting-edge job hunting strategies. It is being presented by Jim Stroud...

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Want more details? Read on…

Eventhough times are tough, its not impossible to find work to support yourself and your family. I remember the last recession of 2002 when I had bills to pay, mouths to feed and no interviews pending. How is that for irony - a Recruiter looking for work?

Like every other job seeker, I placed my resume on Monster, scanned the newspaper and asked people if they knew of any openings. In other words, I was doing what everyone else was doing, at the same time, but for some reason I was expecting different results. Two weeks into my job search I decided to do something different and today I am still reaping the rewards from my efforts back in 2002.

In my free webinar, “Confessions of a Job Search Strategist” you will learn the following:

Where does your resume really go? (The Blackhole Explained)
Why Job Boards don’t matter (and why they do)
How to use Google to discover jobs that most people will never see
How to get Recruiters to chase after you
The class is 1-hour to include a Question and Answer session.

Notes will be made available for downloading after the session.

Plus, a unique money-making opportunity will be presented at the conclusion of the class.

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A follow-up email will be sent to you with instructions on how to participate in the webinar. This email will be sent a few days prior to the event and then a second time, one day before the event.
All you need is the ability to surf the internet and talk on the phone at the same time.
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Jim Stroud is a Social Media Development Manager for EnglishCafe, the premier English learning community for global professionals. Its parent company - GlobalEnglish Corporation, is the leading provider of on-demand business English communication learning and support for the world’s top companies.

Prior to EnglishCafe, Jim Stroud amassed a decade of experience in the Recruiting field. As a self-described “Searchologist,” Jim has consulted for such companies as Microsoft, Google, MCI, Siemens and a host of startup companies.

When not engaged in Recruitment Research, Competitive Intelligence and Training projects for the aforementioned organizations, Jim created and sold two online properties while managing an award-winning blog – The Recruiters Lounge. He is also the co-host of the video series - I Live Online.

When he is not online, Jim suffers severe withdrawal pains that can only be soothed by chocolate chip cookies and family time.