
Five Characteristics of a Great Manager

A company that does not appreciate the value of employing great managers will pay the price down the road. That price can ultimately result in going out of business. Managers impact the bottom line for better or for worse. They have a direct impact on the success of a business in a myriad of ways. One example is employee turnover which has ruined many a company over the years.
Consider the following characteristics when hiring or evaluating a manager:
It may seem cliché but great managers are results-oriented. They motivate and support employees to reach the company’s objectives. Being results-oriented motivates and focuses both the manager and the team members.
Effective Decision-Making

Effective decision-making is the process in which managers select the best alternatives and implement them to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
“Effective decisions result from a systematic process, with clearly defined elements, that is handled in a distinct sequence of steps”. [Drucker]

Top managers concentrate on what is important. They then make an informed decision with the highest level of conceptual understanding.
Strong managers add value to the overall operational activities of the organization. The ability to delegate roles and responsibilities among team members per their skills is an important quality of a great manager. They must be able to delegate day-to-day business tasks to make better use of their time.
Delegating effectively will significantly contribute to the growth and development of an organization by creating more productive teams. Managers assess the time and resources of their teams. They motivate and empower team members by giving them additional responsibilities and by holding them accountable.
Great managers understand the strengths and weaknesses of each subordinate and capitalize on their skills. They find ways to circumvent their weaknesses by elevating and elevating and enhance the team members’ required skills. This is accomplished by conducting training including workshops and by delegating new challenging tasks to those individuals.

·         Communication

The best managers are excellent communicators. This sets the direction for the team. They also include their team members in the decision-making process. This inclusiveness builds both individual and team morale. It also enables the manager to make better decisions based on a broader pool of possible solutions. 

·         Leadership

Finally, great managers must have leadership skills. It is imperative for managers to direct, motivate and lead a team in order to enhance their performance and success. Strong leadership requires drive, focus, authenticity and excellent communication.


Managers who possess these five top characteristics will prove to be an essential element of a profitable company and are not to be taken for granted. To successfully hire a great manager, you must assess the knowledge, skills, experience and personality of the candidate based on the above five characteristics.